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Nicola Sturgeon finally begins the process of separation!
(03-02-2020, 00:58)0762 Wrote: Matt, THEY ARE FASCISTS - THE BEHAVIOUR IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS AND BORDERING ON DICTATORSHIP WITH NO RESPECT FOR ANY POLITICAL OPPONENT WHATSOEVER!!!!! You may not wanna say that but that is what is clearly self-evident based on the toxic narrative and arrogance attached to said extreme antics and witnessed for a very long time - it is an absolute disgrace and an affront to proper progressive governance and regard for contrary and constructive political dialogue. The words "head buried in the sand" come to mind TBF!! But everyone to their own opinion all the same!!  Rolleyes

Unfortunately for some we live in a democracy that gives everyone the ability to exercise said opinions in the form of elections. You might call them fascists, and I may agree with you but they were duly elected to power. Just like over here the benefit we have over the extreme governments of the past is that we will get another chance to vote them out.
Westminster will fight tooth and nail to keep Scotland in the UK. Philip Hammond the ex chancellor in a rare moment of candour basically admitted the exchequer would suffer severely without Scotlands contributions.

Politically we get patted on the head, but we are a cash cow there to be milked.
Westminster should fight tooth and nail to keep Scotland!! I would be very disappointed if they didn't do that!!!
(03-02-2020, 00:58)0762 Wrote: Matt, THEY ARE FASCISTS - THE BEHAVIOUR IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS AND BORDERING ON DICTATORSHIP WITH NO RESPECT FOR ANY POLITICAL OPPONENT WHATSOEVER!!!!! You may not wanna say that but that is what is clearly self-evident based on the toxic narrative and arrogance attached to said extreme antics and witnessed for a very long time - it is an absolute disgrace and an affront to proper progressive governance and regard for contrary and constructive political dialogue. The words "head buried in the sand" come to mind TBF!! But everyone to their own opinion all the same!!  Rolleyes

I think they are a bunch of clowns who are incompetent and couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. I agree they have no respect for any political opponent but neither do any of the other parties. I watched a debate on Youtube between Tony Benn and Roy Jenkins from 1975 about the Common Market and even though they were both in the Labour Party and they disagreed with one another on the subject they argued their case and viewpoints without shouting each other down or talking over one another or calling each other names and it seemed to be rather grown up. You look at politics and debates in 2020 and from the last 4-5 years and it seems to be tribal on both sides with name calling, abuse, shouting each other down and the facts and information get lost and when that happens it becomes like a punch and judy show and the media love it and lap it up as it adds to the drama.

The far left and far right have a lot in common as they are both intolerant. The far left don't seem to grasp that people have different viewpoints or opinions to them and anyone who does then they call them right wing or Conservative when they might be centrist or centre left. The far left seem to be ashamed of their country and unpatriotic and want to cancel or get rid of things they don't agree with or like. They deem most things as racist or offensive. The far right are racist bigots who are nationalistic who harp on about the war all the time and want to go back to an age and time which never truly existed in the first place and will say racist things and then say it's 'free speech' to excuse what they've said. They both believe whoever shouts or screams the loudest wins.

The centrists use facts to win an argument but they come across emotionless and rather robotic.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
(03-02-2020, 01:48)St Charles Owl Wrote: Westminster should fight tooth and nail to keep Scotland!! I would be very disappointed if they didn't do that!!!

Keeping Scotland in constitutional handcuffs, blaming the SG for the worsening economic conditions in Scotland that they didn't cause and can't fix..... that's how they are going to keep Scotland.

It's not flattering at all. It's bullying.
0762 likes this post
Britain Elects
· 56m
Scottish independence voting intention:

Yes: 52%
No: 48%

via @Panelbase, 28 - 31 Jan
0762 likes this post
Slowly but surely!!! Thumb up They continue to stoop low, and we will aim high as many of our allies globally (plus "closer to home!) and far away from these shores watch with interest who is the real aggressor and who is trying to follow the proper constitutional path.

And no surprise there! Also reading the recent farcical and disrespectful story re Johnson trying to block Nicola Sturgeon from formally attending the COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow - an absolute disgrace and again it reeks of a little fascist bastard called Cummings/Goebbels!!!! This action is absolutely childish but threatening all the same. But it is also a breach of proper protocol in showing some respect to the head of govt of the country where this important conference is being organised and convened. Sturgeon already responding to this attack and showing "a bit of class" by saying the conference is not about Johnson or her but more importantly debating the pressing issues governing the onset of climate change. I've absolutely no doubt Nicola will attend this conference anyway and "two fingers" to an antagonistic moron of a British PM and his slimy little "spin doctor"!!!
Finance minister Derek Mackay has to step down after sending inappropriate texts to a 16year old schoolboy. On the day he was about to announce Scotlands budget.

Stupid,Stupid man.
This story really makes me wonder if these people are "brain dead" with political enemies "hovering around" looking for a yoon fest when it comes to this kinda shit and desperate because they are political non-entities up here in Scotland!! The timing by the Sun Newspaper is very convenient and Nicola Sturgeon's demeanour in the Scot Parliament really "said it all" - absolutely raging with Mackay and no f####### wonder!! All I can say is that no man or woman is bigger than the Scot indy movement itself and Nicola eloquently explaining that a high standard of accountability is required from all parliamentarians, never mind it being an SNP offender in this case! IMO this won't be the last time we watch such human frailties either - just the way it sadly is these days and all political parties have their "demons to burn" on occasions!!
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