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Nicola Sturgeon finally begins the process of separation!
Quite incredible really. A bunch of gammons in Exeter getting all excited about Liz putting down the first minister. A lot of the tories see us as simply a vassal state with no more legitimacy than Cornwall... or wherever else they have a holiday home.

Sturgeon at least has a democratic mandate from her country.
0762 likes this post
And she outlasted previous bigger Tory morons/leaders than Truss - all of them shite.

Great to see LBC's James O'Brien "calling out" this kinda ridiculous and unnecessary attack on our FM in an epic verbal assault on Truss!! Thumb up
It is not surprising that many Scots look enviously at Nordic countries. The Nord Pool electricity exchange reported last month that the average price of electricity collapsed to a historic low of about 0.2 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh), virtually free. Nordic countries are less dependent on imported gas than the UK. Annual bills are many times lower than in the UK.

An independent Scotland would not need to be reliant on imported gas – it can produce enough renewable energy to meet its energy needs. Scotland has the capacity to produce even more energy than the average of the Nordic countries – and it could export this to the UK and EU. If an independent Scotland had tax levers over the oil and gas sector that the UK does, it is likely that that revenue would also be used differently, more targeted at those who need it most. Just look at what is "hurtling down the tracks" in energy terms - a huge cost of living crisis for a massive number of Scottish families, energy needs or "food on the table". It doesn't need to be this way esp when observing a divisive Tory Brexit govt that couldn't care less re the plight of vulnerable groups and poor people who desperately need help - note "brain dead" Liz Truss dismissing an urgent meeting with other political associates to debate the way forward to tackle this crisis. We can do much better than this shambles!!
We are not particularly dependant on imported gas.

The thing is we sell and buy in the European market and beyond that globally for LPG shipments. Because we collapsed all our gasometers and additional storage under the North Sea because the energy companies wanted to pay their directors and share holders millions rather than spend it on infrastructure, we (you and me) are getting shafted at both ends while the big energy companies laugh all the way to the bank. It costs them not a penny more to get it out of the ground and refine it this week than it did 5 years ago.
0762 likes this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.

That'll be right eh!!! Thumb down Independence and progressing towards that end goal has been normal for lots n lots of other countries that gained their self-determination since the end of WWII and never looked back, some of them severing all links with their colonial masters and every one of them never ever considering a return to such an unacceptable arrangement/compromise. It seems the rules of engagement and respect have changed when it comes to Scotland and interfering with constitutional matters that any self-respecting Brit govt would naturally back off and allow the process to take its natural course. As previously iterated - "The Scottish people are sovereign in bringing about self-determination for Bella Caledonia, the SNP/Scot govt is the chosen political "vehicle" to carry through this process under mandate". Winning or losing the legal argument will do nothing to nullify this fundamental constitutional tenet re the sovereign power of any nation's people, a Claim of Right that was even acknowledged in the HoC not that long ago. Scotland and the Scottish people must be one of the most patient on the planet when it comes to this kinda stuff/shit that we've had to put up with for years n years see-sawing between love-bombing, name-calling and telling Scots and Scotland to "get back in their box", a shocking mish-mash state of affairs that needs to be ended sooner rather than later!!
Scotland’s Unionist media used this week’s Higher results as an opportunity to attack Scotland’s education system - been a Tory target for months as well as attacking the NHS operation in Scotland. They largely ignored or did not report that Scotland’s other widening access strategies mean that the percentage of students from the most deprived areas who attend university in Scotland is a whopping 50% higher than England’s.
These numbers are rising to record-breaking highs for those from the poorest areas and have also risen in nursing – but while STV reported this, most media outlets ignored it, focusing on raw exam results - SHAMELESSLY BIASED REPORTING!!
STV reported: “The number of 18-year-olds from the most deprived areas in Scotland being offered a place at university is at a record high, according to official statistics. UCAS data shows that the figure is up by 32% since 2019 – the last year there were exams. The figures indicate that the number of students accepting places to study nursing at Scottish providers also increased, up 17% to 2,940 compared to 2019.”
Scotland will likely improve on the tally of around 16% of students from deprived areas who have gone to Uni in the last few years – while England’s 11% has been stagnant for some time. Will the UK government face the same hostile press as Scotland’s if it does not improve on this? DON'T THINK SO!!
Nice little dig from nicola to Truss the other day about vogue magazine

What a refreshing Panelbase survey result(s) just carried out on 1133 Scottish voters - a big rise in support for rejoining the EU and Scots opposed even more against Brexit than in that "year of the Brexit con", 2016. 72% of participants said they would remain in the EU while 69% said they'd vote to rejoin the EU. It was also revealed more Scot voters would vote for Scotindy no matter if Truss or Sunak became the next PM. Those opposed to Brexit more inclined to vote Yes for independence. A lotta common sense coming through in many of these results and no wonder. It is just so irritating to watch this "chunk" of the Scot population "sitting still" on the constitutional question rather than "going for change" and leaving the sinking ship that is the HMS Britannia-Titanic before it finally hits the bottom of the ocean. A case of "smell the coffee" FGS!!

Another shameless Tory with his "finger in the pie" eh!!! That's what these wealthy c#### do as we've observed often enough in the past!! Thumb down And a useless Sec of state for Scotland to boot!!
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