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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
As one EU official aptly put it: "British negotiators have talked about the same issues for the past 12 months! How can we expect it to change now"!?
We truly have gone through the mirror now, with the attorney general trying to use EU law to negate the backstop, you know the one that was our idea in the first place Laugh Laugh

Meanwhile may appears like a bad fart in a lift in Brussels twice this week, and that has been proven to be misdirection and a complete waste of time, whilst she deliberately wound the clock down. Now she’s going to take to her pulpit in the U.K. in a leavers’ stronghold, to put the blame on the EU..... for not changing the agreement she agreed and signed off in December Laugh .

She exists in her own fantasy world, with her own idiot strategy of trying to blackmail the EU into abandoning the republic of Ireland so she doesn't have to face down her own party.

What a xxxx embarrassment.
0762 likes this post
Yep! I totally agree and wish to add to that criticism with one from a Scottish viewpoint where she falsely claimed this week in the parliamentary chamber that "Scotland has no mandate to hold a vote on independence" and then quickly scurried out of the chamber before rightly being challenged by Ian Blackford with a "point of order" ruling. I'm now perceiving this consistent crass behaviour as tiresome in the extreme and I hope lotsa other Scots are in the majority in sharing the same sentiment that this is not unionism and equal partnership!! I call it COLONIALISM and I notice the UK Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, spouting off the same colonialist shit in front of a select Scottish audience in Glasgow!! Too much and totally unacceptable and something must be done to overcome them and move on to self-determination and political immunity from these morons.
Loved the way May tried the "If the EU would reduce workers' rights, we would find ourselves having to do that" bullshit. Laugh Laugh We are already behind most of Europe in that department.

Obviously didn't hear Mogg this morning calling for tax cuts and deregulation post-Brexit....

What a plum.
Now a recent economic report reveals that over a trillion pounds has been moved out of the UK to EU destinations!!! Wowwww!! And I just hope that many more parliamentarians start "smelling the coffee" and unify to stop this whole Brexit fiasco in its tracks in the name of the real people who realise this always was a lotta shit from start to finish and lets get back to common sense and the status quo!! I wonder how much money the UK has actually lost since June 2016??? It must be billions of quid if not even over the trillion mark!!! I also notice that there is no change re EU-UK negotiations and that is no surprise to most observers. We must get rid of all the shit heids who have been playing political games for far too long.
hibeejim21 likes this post
The Good Friday Agreement is made up of two parts – the Multi-party agreement between most of the political parties (but not the DUP) and the British-Irish Agreement between the two governments.

This second Agreement is the international treaty between sovereign states, registered with the UN. The British-Irish Agreement’s function is to uphold the multi-party agreement. So changing the treaty would logically require a new multi-party agreement. It sets out that the North-South Ministerial Council, which promotes all-island cooperation, will “consider the European Union dimension of relevant matters, including the implementation of EU policies and programmes…”

In terms of Brexit impact the EU is right at the core of the good Friday agreement.

Also the Special EU Programmes Body which was one of the North-South implementation bodies set up under the GFA and delivery agent for the EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation in the north. No EU, No SEUPB. No money. Its crucial to the island.

Basically the good Friday agreement is the complete opposite of a what a hard border does - that's why we are stuck. Can juncker give may anything else to appease the hard brexit nutjobs ?
Theresa May looked like Hyacinth Bucket in that dress and hat today.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
I thought my abhorrence of Theresa May's dress outfit at that Commonwealth ceremony was just me being too fussy but clearly not lol!! What a lack of dress sense and "what about that hat"??? Wowww!! Maybe it was a bet that she wagered with her hubby ha ha ha!
So may has her amended deal...except it doesn't really amend anything at all. The EU have given her nothing, and it certainly doesn't match the demands of rees moggs crew or the dinosaur bigots from northern Ireland.

Even that snake gove admits that the "interpretive instrument" does not have the same legal standing as the withdrawal agreement. The backstop applies until you have found a way of rendering it unnecessary. Probably permanent CU (as corbyn and starmer keep stating) and a Norway style deal. Probably not technology, lets face it.

Meanwhile the UK media talk up the UK actually becoming the "vassel state" they all whined about with their anti European diatribes for years as if its something different entirely and yes "taking back control".

Fcucking nuts.
Yep! Good to read your observation re this sudden "mood change" re certain parts of the UK media. What a f###### country we live in when you read this deceptive shit that these propagandists dream up while the Attorney General effectively confirms that nothing has actually changed significantly re the "Irish back stop" and IMO this is all about political blackmail where the vote was previously a record defeat for the UK govt. Why have another vote on an issue that has not been changed!!!!!!?????? And it transpires that this sinister ERG group have just confirmed an AGAINST VIEW OF IT!!! Again it is political game playing at a shameless level, a disgrace!!
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