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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
(24-01-2019, 21:46)spireitematt Wrote:
(24-01-2019, 21:03)0762 Wrote: I challenge the viability of what you really positively expect in your last paragraph and  would suggest that you do the same thing without brexit and are therefore in a more advantageous position economically to do it!!!! Many of these failures should be directed at the British govt, past and present, with failed and "tired" political ideologies. Lastly, I suggest that you try and read a very enlightening book by Adam Smith titled, "The Wealth of Nations".

It can be done outside the EU too. You would have to make sure the Multi-National companies pay there tax and close loopholes so none of the top 1% could tax dodge. Britain isn't a poor country, we are a very wealthy country but the wealth isn't distributed it's mainly kept by the top 1%.

No chance whatsoever of that happening. It's the EU that are trying to clean up and reform on tax dodge, not the tories who still haven't done what they said they would after the paradise papers scandal.

Continued tory austerity and Brexit is going to be a double whammy that the British economy will struggle to deal with for decades.

The really sad thing about this is that even if we left with no deal and the economy really,really tanked (and the signs are there already), a large proportion of those who will be effected the worst will still vote Tory in the next election.....and blame foreigners and the EU.
0762 likes this post
I'll just add to that last line that it is a negative behaviour that is similar to what happened in 1930s Germany - disgraceful and unacceptable in a so called civilised country and yet there are so many erseholes down south who are trying so hard to normalise it!!
(18-01-2019, 22:31)0762 Wrote: I must endorse hibeejim re that shit on bbc QT in Derby last night!!! Good to hear somebody slag off that display by a RW audience!! That was not a balanced audience at all and the lady in the middle of it who fought the case for a People's vote was top notch with good reasoning why it should go back to the people. Also a "special mention" for the SNP's Kirsty Blackman who was articulate and unfazed by this kinda shit and put that regular RW creton of a brexit backer, Isobel Oakeshott, "in her place" on a number of occasions by correcting her re some of her usual inaccurate and deceptive comments to suit her case to back a "no deal" and brexit. That was a disgrace in Derby last night!!
Lastly, is this the start of the bbc "loading up" their QT audiences with RW brexit shit heids/thickos and is it just me but did that new QT presenter, Fiona Bruce, "blank" Kirsty Blackman on a couple of occasions re relevant clarifications incl brexit-EU processes if Article 50 extended?

Re this bbc QT issue and the poss bias attached to it, surprise surprise - I notice the SNP has "hit out" at the bbc over its selection process for QT panels, the bbc insisting there is not a formula for selection. Yet week after week there is one (sometimes two) Tory politicians(s), a hard right brexiteer, a leftish/alternative commentator and AN Other! Watching last Thursday night's usual repetitive brexit debate on QT from Winchester, the test is positive again, the panel comprising our Labour MP, Healey, left alt commentator, Sonia Sodha, Nick Ferrari, a mouthy brexiteer and the Tory brexit person/MP, Suella Braverman, who was "found out" on a number of occasion with her deceptive comments like the dangers of a no-deal brexit are overblown! No formula?? Plus Iain Anderson, chair of the Cicero Group, was AN Other. Huhhh!! Also I notice the Winchester audience was again unbalanced with a similar RW tendency much like QT's disgraceful Derby audience. I hope the SNP are monitoring this questionable "trend" as well!!! The bbc is a partial "propaganda tool" used by the British govt with infiltrators put in place in senior positions within the bbc broadcast media - a disgrace and it is blatant!!
(25-01-2019, 17:16)0762 Wrote:
(18-01-2019, 22:31)0762 Wrote: I must endorse hibeejim re that shit on bbc QT in Derby last night!!! Good to hear somebody slag off that display by a RW audience!! That was not a balanced audience at all and the lady in the middle of it who fought the case for a People's vote was top notch with good reasoning why it should go back to the people. Also a "special mention" for the SNP's Kirsty Blackman who was articulate and unfazed by this kinda shit and put that regular RW creton of a brexit backer, Isobel Oakeshott, "in her place" on a number of occasions by correcting her re some of her usual inaccurate and deceptive comments to suit her case to back a "no deal" and brexit. That was a disgrace in Derby last night!!
Lastly, is this the start of the bbc "loading up" their QT audiences with RW brexit shit heids/thickos and is it just me but did that new QT presenter, Fiona Bruce, "blank" Kirsty Blackman on a couple of occasions re relevant clarifications incl brexit-EU processes if Article 50 extended?

Re this bbc QT issue and the poss bias attached to it, surprise surprise - I notice the SNP has "hit out" at the bbc over its selection process for QT panels, the bbc insisting there is not a formula for selection. Yet week after week there is one (sometimes two) Tory politicians(s), a hard right brexiteer, a leftish/alternative commentator and AN Other! Watching last Thursday night's usual repetitive brexit debate on QT from Winchester, the test is positive again, the panel comprising our Labour MP, Healey, left alt commentator, Sonia Sodha, Nick Ferrari, a mouthy brexiteer and the Tory brexit person/MP, Suella Braverman, who was "found out" on a number of occasion with her deceptive comments like the dangers of a no-deal brexit are overblown! No formula?? Plus Iain Anderson, chair of the Cicero Group, was AN Other. Huhhh!! Also I notice the Winchester audience was again unbalanced with a similar RW tendency much like QT's disgraceful Derby audience. I hope the SNP are monitoring this questionable "trend" as well!!! The bbc is a partial "propaganda tool" used by the British govt with infiltrators put in place in senior positions within the bbc broadcast media - a disgrace and it is blatant!!

SNP bring nothing to the debate though. Any question they are asked is always linked back to Scottish independence and FREEDOM!

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
The post had nothing to do with SNP representation!!!! The main point is the huge imbalance of representation shown by the bbc that is relative to proper, balanced debate that covers Brexit!! If the SNP can add to that debate, that is fine!! The bbc has unfortunately been hijacked by certain Tory sympathising Oxbridge officials who should be identified and "turfed" TBF!!! It is a partial propaganda vehicle of the British state which is a damn shame when one peruses the great history of the British Broadcasting Corporation with some great people within it!!
Of course Jim's right, the charlatans got away with it ........ but they would have, whatever the result. If the charlatans are up against the charlatans in the Charlatan Trophy, who do you expect to win and how high will you rate the prize?

Families, the poor, the working class pay the price for everything in the end. Capitalism is based on growth, but the planet stays the same size. Eventually something will give. So who will suffer whenever there is change for eventual good or ill, the rich and powerful - never? Who did the EU punish in Greece? Was it multi-millionaire shipping owners or the very poorest and youngest queueing for bread? The EU is a club of bankers and successful financial gamblers determined deep-down to maintain the status quo in which they like scum have floated to the top. Where do the rich meet to pretend they listen to the world? Do they try Redcar or Mogadishu, no they're safe up a snowy mountain in beautiful Switzerland - no danger of being swallowed by a climate-change Tsunami up there hey chaps?

Perlease don't tell me about EU money and Cornwall! EU money is/was our own money which they re-distributed. Cornwall used some of that supposedly EU dough to steal a college from Devon to create a new university and with it to steal my job! Now is that how development status was supposed to work do you think? And whilst we are at it, Cornwall is the worst example possible as it has now been realised that it should NEVER have been eligible for the EU's supposed handouts in the first place (and as a special bonus Cornwall still voted to Leave!)

I want change for this country and the whole world! I voted Leave fully aware short-term pain might be a price. If the Remoaners are right the prescription drugs that keep me alive might suddenly disappear, so personally I've everything to lose. Should I really call for another referendum to keep me alive?

If you read Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments you'll find he totally rejects the idea that Man is capable of forming any moral judgement beyond his own self-interest. Do you really want to base the future of mankind on that view of our species? It'll be the 250th birthday of The Wealth of Nations in 2026, when we might just finally shake off the shackles of the EU? Great work that it is, are you sure it informs us about the decay, or even cloud-cuckoo renaissance of advanced capitalism?

If Scotland wants to be free I'm more than happy for the chains to be cut - after all it did only make the mistake of selling itself into a union it may now no longer wish to maintain. Does that remind you of Brexit at all?

And Northern Ireland, in fact Ireland as a whole has suffered enough because of us (and that includes the Scots). I can't see how anyone with a leftish outlook would be against a united Ireland.
For over 24 months I've read and listened to the same old repetitive stuff about the "bad old EU" to suit an agenda/argument that suits any person who voted to leave. There is no substance attached to this script re this great preached future utopia that is shining out to be grasped by this "disunited Kingdom"!! That is the end conclusion after reading these repetitive lines that condemn the EU and yet no mention of the major role played by successive British govts and the flawed political ideologies that have crucified this country economically and societally!! Not a single mention of the consistent failure that cover decades of poor governance that suits certain regions of the UK and to the detriment of others! Read it all before and I'm sure I'll see it irritatingly repeated again in the weeks/months ahead by the same suspects who voted for the "winning result" and wanna "get their way"! As for the poor "carrying the can" as usual????? The responsibility of any competent govt is to minimise the future impact on families up n down the country as well as poor families!! Brexit is gonna hit those families and there is enough evidence to support that concern and disprove thie usual brexiteer's insinuation that it is a myth!! Is it f### and it emanates from a f### off mentality!!

A planned mass exodus by lots n lots of British firms!!! Noooo!! Surely not!! That must be a myth as well!!??? And innumerable jobs consequently gone!! Just a myth eh (sic)!
(27-01-2019, 01:10)0762 Wrote:

A planned mass exodus by lots n lots of British firms!!! Noooo!! Surely not!! That must be a myth as well!!??? And innumerable jobs consequently gone!! Just a myth eh (sic)!

Naah, companies threatening mass exodus's happens all the time...... In the EU or out.
The Irish backstop again? This UK govt really is pissing about. I hope Bercow rejects this amendment as a "waste of time"!!! A lotta their own MPs must realise that fact!!
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