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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
The real problem here is that the general public just don't know enough to say yes or no.
How can we possibly know what is good or bad for us when all the sides do is argue about the facts, lies,lies and more lies from all involved.

The sad truth of the matter is the common man(and women) will vote on one thing alone...immigration
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There are hundred and thousands of things that would have to change if the UK left the EU, some of them bad and some of them good!!! We essentially know what we are getting by staying in, but there is no precedent for a country leaving the EU, so to a degree we really don't know what the full implications of leaving will be, it's all speculation as to what will happen.

Either way I won't be voting in this one. I could vote but as I have zero intention of ever living in the UK again I will leave it up to you guys who will have to suffer the consequences of the outcome of this vote. If I was to vote I would probably vote to stay in just because of the total uncertainty of exiting and the fact that I just don't believe what we are being told most of the time.
Iceland left and it took over two years to sort it out. It would take years before our "Brexit" was negotiated and as usual the only people to gain will be the lawyers.
Leaving the EU would be a disaster for the UK, not that I want us to be in it particularly, I just think we're better in than out.
Didn't know that about Iceland. I suppose as a bigger and more relevant country some things would happen quicker and other things would take ages!! If the UK does exit there would have to be an agreement that trade can still be the same for a period of time until new agreements can be worked out, we are too big a customer to a lot of countries, whether it be buyers or sellers.

Like you though Snoots, I think staying in would be best and as El Car said a knee jerk vote on immigration in the current climate is not a good basis for the decision anyway.
I was on the fence and learning towards out but after doing some intensive research I think it would be best to stay in for the TIME BEING. There are positives to staying in the EU but also some negatives. If we left the EU we would have to do trade agreements ourselves with countries where as being in the EU we can trade with the World. The only thing which is a bit unnerving is if we stay then all countries in the EU have to change to the Euro after 2020 which means we would lose the Pound sterling.

Like Snoots said it would take 2 years or even longer to come out as there would be paperwork and complications.

The problem is there is no real information between the two camps its just lies and spin the public need to be informed properly about what it could mean about staying in or leaving.

Even if we left the EU we would still get immigration. Immigrants came to Britain before we were in the EU so even if we left it would still continue. Also the borders would be at Dover and not Calais.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
I'd like to vote out because I have never felt a connection with Europe. I think being in Europe has in many ways stripped us of our own industries. It worries me that because of that we would never again be able to stand alone against a foe. However, I am also a scaredy cat and I think perhaps better the devil you know and to quote yet another saying, would we be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire? As a result, I will probably vote to stay. That doesn't mean that I approve of the way big businesses are threatening to withdraw if we leave. I think they're  despicable.
I am sure a lot of companies are using scare tactics with regards to leaving or stay in but I do believe that there would be a lot of them that would certainly move some of their operations if the UK leaves simply because of the ease of trade with other countries. The company I worked for in Sheffield would never move everything but if we leave the EU they will move their European manufacturing portion out of Sheffield and into France, rather than supplying everything currently from Sheffield. This will save them a fortune in taxes and tariffs as well as making the product still manufactured within the EU which gives some benefits when doing business on the mainland. I don't think these are all idle threats, some companies will move because it will be better for their business to do so.
Sadly the EU is just another way to the corporations and financiers to clean up at the expense of ordinary folk. A whole generation of young folk have been written off in southern Europe. Its understandable folk are suspicious.

This is going to end up like the Scottish referendum again,with the added bonus of the tories tearing each other apart.
Yes, the split in the Tory party is indeed an added bonus. Big Grin
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(05-04-2016, 00:14)Amelia Chaffinch Wrote: I'd like to vote out because I have never felt a connection with Europe. I think being in Europe has in many ways stripped us of our own industries. It worries me that because of that we would never again be able to stand alone against a foe. However, I am also a scaredy cat and I think perhaps better the devil you know and to quote yet another saying, would we be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire? As a result, I will probably vote to stay. That doesn't mean that I approve of the way big businesses are threatening to withdraw if we leave. I think they're  despicable.

I'm not sure being in Europe has stripped our industries, the biggest problem for our industries is China who have affected the whole world by either making everything cheaper or buying everything they couldn't make and driving the prices up through the roof for everyone else 
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