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COVID violations at Ibrox!! What gives with Scot footie breaches again??
These Huns who we observed at the weekend are serial law breakers when it comes to this kinda stuff. I must be blunt on this issue and will say they have no regard for you, me, the law or people in general and many of these thugs would hurt others who disagree with what their doing and exhibiting in the name of their beloved Rangers FC. Lotsa them are the real "spoilers"/perpetrators of violence, given the right circumstances all in the name of RFC, while lotsa decent Rangers fans have abided by the rules and tried to celebrate within the confines of their own homes. In the case of the behaviour of Gerrard and other Rangers people who clearly behaved with impunity, I agree some kinda punishment should be meted out. Shutting down their season would be absolutely appropriate in sending out the message that, "We don't trust you to conform and these scenes could happen again"!!!!!!! However, the footie authority must have the "balls" to impose such a punishment and rise above the premise that football is a special case and can violate pandemic rules with impunity. I agree there is no trust in any footie authority with officials who have the courage and moral obligation to do that. Very disappointing TBH esp at this particular time when football is not as important as many people seem to think it is in the overall overall scheme of things.

(08-03-2021, 14:23)hibeejim21 Wrote: Saw the footage of the scum predictably knocking lumps out of each other afterwards in George Square  Laugh  I still find it surprising the police actually escorted them all there last night instead of actually trying to do their jobs

They are a strange bunch rangers fans. They will defend statues from BLM protestors then pish all over them when drunk, glorify the war dead every week then smash up memorial benches in George Square, eulogise the royal family then rip off her agents with their tax contributions. Total hypocrites with a right wing superiority complex.

There are dafties in every support but with that mob it's actually the majority that are knuckle draggers.

Never forget the Scottish media ran a campaign for years to identify some of our fans at Hampden. But the excuses are already in for last nights behaviour.

That is one huge question being asked by many outraged MOPs re the role of the Glesca Police and lotsa critics saying they most certainly didn't do enough to control this situation properly and why move them to a confined area of Glesca city centre???? Now their senior officials "backtracking" and trying to defend their position but IMO not doing it very well.
It was good to hear the Police DCC strongly criticising Rangers role in these disgraceful incidents actually happening at all esp after it transpires the Police had also consulted with the Govan footie club re their accountability and obligations in controlling these fans. That's a good number of different authorities strongly criticising their lack of proper action and comment and many people coming on strong re the "double standards" when the likes of Aberdeen, Celtic and others have been previously penalised on COVID breaches. Also Steven Gerrard really looks like he "crossed a red line" with his defensive comments which I reckon were really unwise to utter. He appeared to be going through this "act of affront" that he normally does re a debatable football issue. The problem for him is that this issue is not a football one; it's a public health conformance one and I think he would've been wiser to "shut it" and not act in such a derogatory fashion towards higher authorities than the SFA or SPFL who are hopefully not so easily influenced or "cowed" by his antics.
Inverurie Jambo and ritchiebaby like this post
Some of the pictures online though Laugh

Huns punching xxxx out each other, shiteing themselves whilst drunk, masturbating outside ibrox, smashing shop windows, destroying memorial benches, using the city centre as a toilet, launching fireworks into name it they were doing it.

Oh aye and ignoring a pandemic and possibly extending lockdown.

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you 'the people'. Laugh
HerefordBull, BouncingHibees, 0762 And 1 others like this post
In reality, ANARCHISTS GUISING AS FOOTBALL FANS!!!!!Thumb down What an affront to Scottish football and true, decent Scot footie fans! I opined a number of years ago on this board that Scot footie would've benefited greatly if Rangers FC had been totally eradicated from the game up here for various reasons that are unrelated to the sport of soccer and I don't change that view one jot. The same issues remain with this particular toxic footie club and their absence from the Scot Prem for a number of years really showed up how different Scot footie was without all the poison and hate that is attached to this Govan club - THE DIFFERENCE WAS "NIGHT N DAY" AND THAT IS A FACT!! We experienced footie without these bastards and it was a "breath of fresh air". The big "down side" was that sadly Celtic were winning almost every Scot footie trophy/title because the other competing Scot footie clubs can't realistically compete at the financial level that is required to manage and present a decent standard of footie team. Some Scot footie clubs won the odd trophy in Rangers absence but sadly not enough IMO.
Forgetting the scum fans for a moment, there are numerous images of hun players and staff breaking covid protocol.
They should be in isolating right now.

There should also be real doubts about playing the old firm games now.
HerefordBull, ritchiebaby, BouncingHibees like this post
Only Rangers football club could come out and try to defend that.
Listening to the FM's scathing criticisms this afternoon in a tv broadcast from the Scot Parliament re Rangers FC's role in these disgraceful COVID breaches and another revelation conveyed to all and sundry was that Rangers official statement to the Scot govt comprised three pages of explanation/defensive comments but not one note of sincere apology could be read through all the text they managed to compile!!!??? "No apology whatsoever", said an apoplectic FM!!!! When one reflects back to Rangers in the past 10-15 years re this kinda crass behaviour, one will discover that there was a mooted apology after the Manchester riots of 2008 and Glasgow City Council leaders actually apologised well before GRFC's eventual response. Then we had another shameless episode from Rangers officials after the 2016 Scottish Cup final at Hampden Park when euphoric Hibs fans invaded the pitch after their historic and dramatic 3-2 victory over Rangers FC. Then some of the usual hun scumbags couldn't take such a defeat "on the chin" and entered the pitch to cause affray, Rangers later accused Hibs fans of attacking their players which was embarrassingly bogus and most people, incl SFA officials, knew it was bogus as Rangers tried to play the "offended party card" but no apology again after "the dust had settled" weeks later. And I'm sure they didn't even congratulate Hibs later on after the match had ended but Kenny Miller did it. Note the common theme to the crass way they present themselves in situations like this one. I actually reckon that Rangers FC officials couldn't "wear" the fact that they were gonna win a Scot Prem title (their big moment) after a long time waiting since their total GRFC existential implosion almost a decade ago but no crowd, no euphoria - nowt!! Imagine the thought of winning a title like that and nobody to celebrate it in the traditional way except with themselves and club officials!!? So sterile, surreal and ironic after all this time eh!! And remember that lotsa other footie clubs like eg Liverpool, Chelsea, Man City, Celtic and St Johnstone have had to celebrate in this way as per the COVID rules/restrictions. Not for Rangers FC I suspect and I base that on the way they have behaved and the mixed messages they issued to their fans. I'd wager a decent amount of money that this contrived plan was what they were really involved in no matter how much they deny it. Also It is no coincidence that suddenly, today of all days, the SFA announced that all five Rangers players, who breached the COVID lockdown rules weeks ago, will be charged - served with a notice of complaint.
Reading the formal statements coming from Celtic and Rangers deterring fans from participating in any public celebrations or protests that are relative to the Glesca derby match next weekend. The comments were in line with COVID lockdown measures but how unimpressive these comments actually were with remarks referring to stuff like "how many games they have won" which are totally unrelated to the public health issue which they have been forced to participate in by the Scot govt and relative Scot footie authorities. A sincere message of intent was definitely not evident and I must say I've always liked footie but I've finally come to the conclusion there must be a national conversation to debate the status and importance of soccer in our society and the overall scheme of things esp during a challenging period of crisis when COVID has hurt and damaged many people in this country. IMO Scot footie and the attitude, comments, behaviour and actions of people representing the interests of Scot footie have been nothing short of being reprehensible, a disgrace that places the sport in disrepute. There will be an eventual "reckoning"/formal public inquiry that will cover various issues of contention that happened during this dreadful pandemic. There are too many people in Scot footie who think they are more important than they really are!!!Thumb down This issue should be added to the list.
If these games are going ahead I hope Police Scotland have their act together this time.
And theres Nicola warning the old firm game might not go ahead and be 'deferred' somehow unless the clubs keep pushing the message to fans to not get together.
Meanwhile sevco fans have predictably returned positive COVID cases and theres been an uptick in cases across Glasgow and Lanarkshire that can be traced to the event and house parties.

We will be able to see the fallout from that event over the next week.
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