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RE: A UK General Election and Trump already "sticking his nose" in it.... - St Charles Owl - 08-11-2019

(08-11-2019, 14:12)WBA-Josh Wrote: In my constituency of St Ives which also covers my home of Newlyn in Penzance, Helston and the other little small towns and villages within the big area, the current prediction is a Lib Dem gain.

In 2017, the Tory candidate won with a 0.6 advantage over the Lib Dem candidate. Now it’s expected to be a 10% difference between the two parties with the Lib Dem at 43% and the Tory at 33%.

Classic example of a constituency where the party that is in 3rd place should just pull out and not split the anti-Tory vote.

RE: A UK General Election and Trump already "sticking his nose" in it.... - WBA-Josh - 08-11-2019

Labour finished in 3rd in 2017 so had they stepped aside, the Lib Dems would have won with a healthy difference.

The current prediction is that Brexit Party will finish third on 10.2% and Labour in fourth on 8.3%. If the Brexit Party decided to stand aside (unlikely) then the Lib Dems would still take it with a 0.5% difference because they’re on 43.7.

Of course all this is based off what predicts so the actual result could be a lot different. Here’s the website if you want to see. Scroll down below half-way and you’ll see it and it also includes the other Cornwall constituencies.

RE: A UK General Election and Trump already "sticking his nose" in it.... - St Charles Owl - 08-11-2019

I am astounded that the Brexit Party are even still standing. I am sure there is a bit of hardball being played by both sides but their presence will only hurt the Tories!! I suppose from BJs perspective, if he strikes a deal with them then it will always be assumed that he has agreed to a No Deal scenario if it comes to that, and I am sure he does not want that the be the public persona for the Tories in this election.

RE: A UK General Election and Trump already "sticking his nose" in it.... - WBA-Josh - 08-11-2019

I see that the Brexit Party Chairman is running to be MP for Hartlepool even though they already had a BXP candidate who used to be Hartlepool FC Chairman.

It’ll be hilarious if he fails to win what could be a winnable seat considering how the city voted in the EU Referendum.

RE: A UK General Election and Trump already "sticking his nose" in it.... - hibeejim21 - 09-11-2019

I just don't get this lust for Brexit to happen. The information is all there, what do people think is going to get better in their lives outside the EU?

Boris is going to deliver the UK in a nice package with a pretty bow on top to trump and his backers. Putin's links to the leave campaign and trump are both there to see.

For all Corbyn's faults he's delivered policy that would 100% improve peoples lives in the country but the majority would rather vote for Boris, a thick as pigshit,philandering,lying drunk who talks up patriotism while stuffing oligarchs cash in his pocket.

This is the last chance, I just hope the English vote tactically and think about future generations.

RE: A UK General Election and Trump already "sticking his nose" in it.... - Amelia Chaffinch - 09-11-2019

I live in Barnsley, a labour heartland. Out of 8 of us at work, I am the only one saying I will still vote Labour. This is representative of everyone I hear around me and in my former town in West Yorkshire. I can't understand it either. I hope that when push comes to shove, they can't actually put a cross next to Tory or Brexit party like they say they will but I fear the Labour Party is shafted. The smear campaign has been long and consistent and has worked. Scotland can't sit back and hope England will do the right thing. If you want Labour, vote for them yourselves.

RE: A UK General Election and Trump already "sticking his nose" in it.... - 0762 - 09-11-2019

Scotland will not vote for the Labour party up here any more as the SLP has gradually deteriorated in the past 12-15 years and is no longer a reputable political party (note they have already ditched three of their candidates in the past fortnight due to unacceptable/crass behaviour!!) - all indicators point to the SNP doing very well in Scotland v a leaderless and shamed Scot Conservative party following their failed Operation Arse (what a title!!) against Johnson and shown to be a bunch of hypocrites. Also the SNP's online people-powered digital campaign, incl Facebook, is actually top-notch and I reckon one of the most impressive of all the UK political parties. The one threat is the Libdems but many Scots still regard them and their Tory leader, Swinson, as untrustworthy opportunists anyway. I'm expecting 50+ SNP constituency wins up here as the SNP have set up a transparent campaign policy that will "strike a chord" with an anti-Brexit/pro indy population plus they must finally "separate the wheat from the chaff" in saying that is what we represent and see how many within the Scot population finally "go with it" after observing all the anti SNP/Scot govt shit that has emanated from Westminster and the usual RW media shit bags who have never ceased with their campaign against the Scot indy movement and the SNP.

RE: A UK General Election and Trump already "sticking his nose" in it.... - Amelia Chaffinch - 09-11-2019

Well, you'll have to suck up what happens, then. You can't have the spice and a'penny.

RE: A UK General Election and Trump already "sticking his nose" in it.... - hibeejim21 - 09-11-2019

Scottish labour have done little to deserve our votes. Especially when they did the tories dirty work up here during the independence referendum.

I happen to like corbyn, I think he's a decent, thoughtful man but he's not a very good leader and in times of crisis people don't vote for weak leaders.

(09-11-2019, 14:47)Amelia Chaffinch Wrote: Well, you'll have to suck up what happens, then. You can't have the spice and a'penny.

Not really. If Boris's Brexit deal goes through the UK will be broken up anyway. Its England that needs to vote tactically and keep the Tories out.

RE: A UK General Election and Trump already "sticking his nose" in it.... - Amelia Chaffinch - 09-11-2019

I think we have all accepted you don't want to be part of the union and, quite frankly, are annoyed that you want to still have a say in England whilst wanting us to keep out of your affairs. The general consensus is set you free as long as you have to survive alone. I personally want us to stay together but, like I say, I know the break up is around the corner. I doubt that you will be getting what you want from English voters. When it looks like labour MPs are going to lose their seats in constituencies such as this, we are fooked. But, repeatedly, they have been told that they are not doing what their constituents wanted so they should have seen it coming. I am absolutely in the minority by sticking to my socialist principles. Most people want Farage's Brexit Party. May God have mercy on our souls.