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Lockerbie remembered on its 30th aninversary but lotsa unanswered questions!! - Printable Version

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Lockerbie remembered on its 30th aninversary but lotsa unanswered questions!! - 0762 - 21-12-2018

A Panam flight that "fell to pieces" on Scottish soil, blown out the sky and my heart bleeds for these poor innocent victims of what I regard as one huge casualty of crass political actions. The debate still continues in Scotland and I must also mention the forgotten other air catastrophe that happened in the same year 1988 but earlier on 3 July 1988 when Iran flight 655 with 290 passengers on board was unlawfully blown out of the sky by an American naval vessel, the USS Vincennes. There were 66 children on board that flight from Teheran to Dubai and the passengers were ordinary people going about their business as much as those on that Panam flight!! So why are these people "forgotten" in this way?  Even last July the western media were literally silent on a massive historical aviation violation by the USA whose govt at the time tried to "buy off" their victims' families!! IMO these two incidents are interlinked and the Lockerbie disaster would never have happened if the Iranian Airbus incident had not occurred! Also US politics (or UK politics for that matter!) does not come out well in this story (nothing surprising there eh!) with some odd shenanigans of deception and secrecy involved. All in, well over 500 innocent people were the real victims, not just the ones on that Panam flight 105!