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Do you think that TV channels should dispense with the canned crowd noise?

I think it is repetitive and impossible to get right. In other words, it's damned annoying.
It's pointless. If it was played out of the tannoy at the ground to inspire the team, fair enough. But it isn't. This "crowd" at Cardiff constantly shouting the same shite on a loop is just annoying.
Hardly watch any games unless there are some fans in although may give the Cup games a go just not right empty grounds equal crap
Over here they give you an option to watch the PL games with or without the crowd noise. So far I prefer to watch it with the crowd noise, its soulless enough with it but so much worse without it. I also don't find it repetitive over here but I am not sure if NBC are doing it themselves or simply taking the Sky feed, they seem to do most things themselves now so maybe they just do a better job of it.
NBC logo'd Outside Broadcast vans turn up at a lot of Prima Donna League matches rather than anything with Sky or BT plastered all over them.

Otherwise I think they use one or two chants in the Chumpionship games and maybe a couple more in the Prima Donna League. They also play all manner of background noise when England play on TV/Radio so you don't hear half of the (usually aimed at Germans/Germany) live chants.

To be honest they could lose some of the common tater's and their sidekicks too and just let us hear what the players and coaches are saying. Digital broadcasts are anything up to a minute behind "live" anyway so they've got plenty of time to hit the bleep button.
Do you know what else I am sick of?

Because there's no real crowd noise, we can hear nearly every swear word shouted by the players, coaches and bench.

No, no, no, that's not my gripe....

... it's the commentators constantly apologising for it.

Whether you like swearing or not, it's a part of the game and it's not up to the commentators to apologise for it. And it's their own fault, really, because they must have the booms out all around in the hope of catching a snippet they can use in their round the clock news broadcasts.
I actually prefer watching the games with the crowd noise, i just seems more like a proper game even if the chants are a bit repetative.

Town don't do crowd noise we just have Oggy talking out of his arse
I prefer crowd noises, too eerie and echoey without.

It's a hard job commentating for radio especially as you've got to set the scene and describe too, TV you've got pictures to help, a lot harder on your own, if you have an 'expert' then you can bounce of them normally.

I know oggy goes ott way too often, but that seems genuinely the way he is whenever I've seen him on look north or spoken to him. At least we do have entertaining moments now, maybe let's cut him some slack for a little while considering the situation we find ourselves in, and the fact he has had to commentate on cowleyball, powellball and of course that 2nd year of Premier league football, he's bound to get excited when we enter the opponents half with passes over punted clearances xD
Watching WSL football without a crowd is completely dispiriting. I come over all sexist, those shrill players' voices and the female commentators regaling us with giggles over careers many men had been too sexist even to notice ........ Oh Lord and it is such a poor advert for the game. Without a crowd the standard of play certainly falls in the men's game, so I'm sure it has a similar effect on women.

FA Cup - Torquay 5-6 Crawley ........ brilliant, brilliant game, a feast of attacking football? Or two primary school teams forced to play on a freezing cold Thursday by sadistic PE masters? You takes your pick, but I would have backed myself to score at least two ....... and I was a goalie. Too often from FA Cup all the way to Premiership it looks like people going through the motions, but then because the crowd isn't there to make it real, players score brilliant fearless goals occasionally and touches of brilliance usually left on the training ground sometimes make it to apparently serious games.
tbh thought it was Glennon more than Oggy Wakey, then again Oggy has to describe the play and pass a comment or two. Glennon mainly passes wind while remind us what a great goalie and organiser of a defence he was.
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